There is something fishy about this 'suicide' of the agent who was investigating the Harrison Deal bomb/crash. Literally no mention of it outside of forums and patriot sites, MSM not touching it at all.
What disturbs me most is the 'stock' picture they used for the obituary and the 'stock' memorial written.
I can find no background history, just chatter. Harrison must have found out something really, really dirty and O'sullivan is in witness protection, just sayin.
At one of the chatter site I found, the user dropped this incredible interview from Dec. 2nd : General Thomas McInerney Says the President Must Take Action Now Against Acts of Treason Through Executive Order and Insurrection Act
The first question asked by the interviewer: Fredericks: Let’s get to General Thomas McInerney. General McInerney great to have you with us here on The John Frederick’s Show again. Thank you for joining us. We understand that you’ve got some new information on these Dominion voting machines sir.
The General's answer is too long to CnP it all here, some highlights: "We are not talking about fraudulent voting acts. But what we are talking about John is treason. when you coordinate six to ten states using cyber warfare to change the outcome these are treasonous acts. They’re not dirty deeds or fraudulent voting. They’re treasonous acts punishable by death."
" the cyber-warfare infrastructure and security agency headed up by a guy by the name of Chris Krebs was saying it was the perfect election. No discrepancies. he’s got to be an idiot. But most of all he’s guilty of treason."
"Now what I believe the president should do is he should declare today a national emergency and declare a state of emergency using his executive order dated September 12, 2018, declaring a national emergency if there’s foreign influence. Because we know there is Chinese, Russian, and Iranian influence on this election. And he should use that and he should suspend habeas corpus just as Lincoln and FDR did when they met national tragedies in emergencies like this."
"The democratic perpetrators as well as the Russians the Chinese and the Iraqis have not disguised this cyber war on America. it’s blatant. We should start arresting them now. This is serious. Let’s not call this fraudulent activity it’s treason John in the 21st-century modern hybrid warfare. We must suspend the electoral college and the inauguration on the 20th of January until we get this resolved."