So, the China Virus has nothing to do with Covid-19!
First and foremost, the term China Virus does not reflect the Chinese heritage, and is by no
means a racial slur toward the good people of China. If any people understand governmental and
bureaucratic oppression, it’s the good Chinese people. The China Virus is a name given to
identify the root source of the virus as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and their handlers.
China Virus is surnamed The Invisible Enemy.
What is the China Virus?
The offer and/or acceptance of bribes, issuance of blackmail or threat, and the unequal
application of the laws by enforcement, legislative, judicial, executive branches, and other
officials of authority that govern societies including local, state, or federal administrations, and
any individuals, or political, bureaucratic, or corporate institution representatives which
orchestrate in conjunction with the Invisible Enemy, thereby initiating and/or performing actions
which are intended to harmfully infiltrate, directly or indirectly, the sovereignty of a nation by
the participating citizen, or that of an allied nation.
Who is infected by the China Virus?
Including, but not limited to, beneficiaries in any capacity of the following: Those that have
successfully offered and/or accepted bribes, or have oppressed other individuals using blackmail
techniques, or committed criminal acts worthy of blackmail, or those being oppressed by
individuals/groups initiating threats against people with opposing views or those holding
evidence of corruption, and all individuals of official capacities which apply rules of law
unequally with respect to persons, and other political, bureaucratic, and corporate individuals and
institutions which have participated and/or conspired with the Invisible Enemy to infiltrate with
intent to do harm to the sovereign nation of their citizenship or an allied nation.
What is the cure for the China Virus?
The extent of the wrongdoing will determine which vaccine is to be administered, and the
choice to accept such offer will be that of the intended recipient, thus to be executed in
full within a predetermined space of time, and said cure currently offers a range of
effectiveness, depending on the brand of vaccine dealt to the wrongdoer.
To those which are offered a vaccine, the cure will be made available at the end of a
quarantine period, which quarantine serves the purpose of allowing the wrongdoer to
become clean, turning from their corrupt ways, and other such requirements to be
imposed, and at which time recipient is required to expose with full details all violations
and/or wrongdoings committed and/or directly witnessed regarding any of the above
mentioned virus symptoms. After the time of quarantine, those which have offered the
cure shall look upon the details provided by the recipient, and pronounce the infected
individual as clean or unclean to the administrator(s) of the vaccine, and if clean they will
be given the designated cure.
For individuals which are offered a vaccine cure and choose not to accept, or for those
which would decline quarantine, there will be no deals extended beyond that of the
original offer.
For individuals or entities which have not yet been offered a vaccine, or those which are
unaware of the offer, it is incumbent on you to request vaccination by demonstrating your
symptoms in part, and asking that consideration be made. If you choose not to plead for a
vaccine cure now, there may be a vaccine available to you at a later date.
Those individuals which are infected by means of duress of threat which have committed
no violation, or show no symptoms of violation when tested by the administrators, or
under certain circumstances were forced into submission, will or may be deemed to be
clean of the China Virus.