My dad works at Nintendo and they haven't heard anything.
I do not expect martial law. I do not expect Military involvement in the ways we think. If I have learned anything throughout all of this, every scenario we think up or assume… never happens. This is not to be confused with "nothing ever happens". This is me saying nothing happens the way we think it will. Just look at the elections. None of us were prepared or had the foresight to see it going this way. Things will happen but they will not happen how we expect. They can't. If we can predict them the bad guys can predict them and if the bad guys can predict them they can create countermoves and ways to avoid. My best advice to everyone, stop date fagging, stop searching for a happening, stop believing every random twitter account claiming big things, pray and just wait. Have faith in God.
Would you honestly be doing anything if Q didn't exist? Imagine the last 3 years with no insight from Q. You'd be completely lost and unaware. I'll never understand this idea that Q makes us complacent when we, as a nation, have not done diddly squat for 100 years but accept everything told. and the few red pilled for years before all this did nothing but isolate themselves . We never acted before this, so to claim this is all preventing us from acting seems inaccurate.
No one wins with Plan Z. Plan Z is like an auto defense nuke to take out a country as a nuke takes out yours.
This post makes absolutely no sense and contradicts everything I said.
Said I DO NOT EXPECT Martial law. Of course I can be wrong. I never said "there will be no martial law". Big difference there.
This is a fair point anon.
We have God, we do not need violence.
Billy Ray Biden