Just got banned from zerohedge for complaining about their new paywall. kek
Have not had a hearing in a few hours now. We are due.
What it does is piss off a few SC judges for no reason, since he has no proof or he would have said what it was.
Thanks for nothing.
Twelve years of going there. Not any more.
He either has tape, or he has shit like most of the twitter warriors.
Let's hear the tape or shut your pie hole, Lin.
If he is truly that comped, I am disappointed that Justice Thomas has not forced something to happen by now.
Hillary had 900 FBI files to read while she was in the White House.
Those files were how Hillary got the goods on everyone she needed to, to solidify herself as the master of the swamp.
Starting to think he is the actual Q.
Does he really associate with him?
is there a baker?