>>12067688 (lb)
We all know John Roberts is a sack of shit, and patriots have all the dirt on everyone. Why does Lin feel the need to impress upon anons to pray about getting all the lies revealed? If Lin has proof of these other seditious acts, then why not just take that straight to the OO for something to be done? Oh, that's right. We're watching a movie.
>>12067728 (lb)
Yeah, and who all has he represented in the past? Also, what do his political donations look like?
I never thought I'd live to see the day anons are coming to the defense of a celebrity lawyer. Regardless, the above statement still stands. We all knew a long time ago Roberts is a sack of shit. He bought his kids from Ireland using a proxy. Why? We can only assume that in order to keep being in the club, he HAD to have children. Specifically, he needed kids from Ireland. Why? Pfft. Probably some sick bloodline shit or whatever. It doesn't matter at this point. We know Roberts is comp'd.
Do try to remember the end goal, anons. Q was up front about this going back to the first few drops. It doesn't matter what tv preacher, former admin of 8chan, celebrity lawyer, "E", "R", or megs or fbianon or BD or JohnThePiggy, or Jim Watkins says (at this point). What matters is what we can observe and know according to publicly available information. Trust yourselves, remember?
If you can't back your shit up, then all you are doing is peddling a narrative. In this particular thread, Lin is peddling a narrative. He starts off with some comfy scripture, and makes assumptions about someone (granted many anons probably think Lin's right about this), and then tells a nifty story with no proof about a phone call. I agree Roberts should resign, and my reason for that goes back to Obamacare, and the fact that he wears a fucking bowtie. Anyone that wears a bowtie is a fucker in my opinion; but I acknowledge that it's an opinion. Outside of that, Lin's account doesn't mean jack or shit unless he posts the fucking proofs.
It's all about proofs. Post them shits, or shut the fuck up already.
/end rant