>Fauci is too much of a pussy to kill himself.
You prolly right.
It's why I don't get anons wanting hangings.
>There are far worse things than death.
I'd like to see a new reality show, based on the movie The Hunger Games.
Over 6 weeks, 6 contestants, one winner from each week goes through to a 'final'
The 'finals' will lead into a 'Grand Final'
Finals have 'higher up' celebrities/politicians/others
Week one - Compound bow only. 6 people have to hunt down say, Lady Gaga, using only compound bows.
Kills must be made with the weapon or you get disqualified
Week 2 Fauci versus spears
Week 3 Ellen versus blow-dart guns
Etc,. etc.
Finals should be more specialized.
Say first final, John Brennan versus Bowie knife.
Contestants have to make the kill with the knife, and cut out his heart/liver/kidney/other to 'win'
No guns allowed in any rounds, too quick.
Possible contestants write to the show to be on it and are drawn by lottery.
Winner wins $50,000 and maybe a nice holiday?
Who wouldn't tune in for that show once a week c'mon
dubs chek'd
One week Hillary versus toffee hammer
6 rednecks get on the show and beat her to death over 6 hours using only pic attached.
Gotta get creative to win.