Colorado company?…..prob NSA
NSA spent so much dough fucking up the elections they need to be bailed out by Congress
Colorado company?…..prob NSA
NSA spent so much dough fucking up the elections they need to be bailed out by Congress
Big reason so many companies go outta biz…..Jews hire moar Jews and nothing gets done…..literally
Not any more…..SCOTUS ruled bulk collection of data is illegal
And nothing they “find” is admissible in court
NSA should be first spook company to go bankrupt
Sorry…..that’s inadmissible…..fuking chink auto correct
Where’s Gina?
Shouldn’t C_A HMFIC be front and center of the “most secure elections evah” narrative?
Biggest oxymoron in government
Nothing secure about our homeland
Bye bye pension
Last minute Christmas idea
I hear Freemason temples have loads of great stuff stashed in their basements
Fuck those guys…[[They]] pushed Russia, Russia, Russia
Now telling the taxpayers was the most secure election evah
Nah……fire all of the Gaymason pigs