CODE RED Operation George Washington
MAGA PatriotsWe know who the.Treasonous Foreign and Domestictargets are and they are not our fellow Americans or our great law enforcement officers.
MAGA Patriots: ''This ain't your grandpa's revolution.'' This is an advanced high tech military operation using expert analysis and in-depth operational expertise, handling sensitive political issues and providing unmatched cyber security practical on-the-ground protection, mission support, logistics and other capabilities that cannot be discussed. We Can See You
There was foreign and domestic interference in our 2020 elections and the proof is all over the place.
The Election Was Clearly Stolen From President Trump.
President Trump is the hardest working president inU.S. HISTORYand he hasn't even accepted a pay check, realistically we really couldn't afford what he is worth anyway, plus president Trump has kept his promises. So for all MAGA patriots nationwide it would be a huge honor to protect our great president from domestic terrorism.
Please note:No other president could have taken the Deep States witch-hunt beatings Trump has taken in the last four years and still Trump gave America her dignity back a record economy and took care of our veterans and so much more.
Ex Military MAGA patriots will serve at the pleasure of the president as supplemental presidential law enforcement when called into action.CODE RED
Do theDeep State Criminalsthat stole president Trump's reelection with fraudulent ballots realize how many heavily armed MAGA patriots with world-class military accessories will show up at the white house if anyone makes a move to ILLEGALLY remove president Trump?It will be BIBLICAL.
MAGA Patriots Must Be Prepared For Dirty Combat Tactics That Will Be Used Against Them At Every Turn.
The idea of an “urban sniper rifle” is a weapon that is small enough to make infiltration and exfiltration easy; another huge difference from conventional sniping.
While a bolt action might be more accurate for shooting long distances over fields, it is difficult to conceal. A weapon like an AR-10 or AR-15 with a 16~20″ barrel and collapsible buttstock is a prime weapon. Caliber is irrelevant, “anything from 223 to 308 will work, and all the exotic 6.5 Grendel/6.5 LBC, 6.8 SPC, WSSM’s only change the MPBR less than 100 meters either way. If you want one then get one, but caliber is not important compared to skill.” Good equipment matters, but not as much as the skill of the shooter. Always think of your urban weapon as a light portable one that can be carried inconspicuously.
A suppressor is massively beneficial, but if you set up your hide properly you may not need one.
The MAGA Patriots have no association with law breakers, anarchists or rogue militia's.We are the Americans they don't want to meet.
Antifa Terrorists.
BLM Terrorists.
Harassing Police Officers.
Non-Peaceful Protesting.
Promotion Of Civil Unrest.
Burning Of Public Or Private Properties.
ATTN:MAGA Patriots are law abiding tax paying citizens and we respect our police officers and will follow military rules of engagement code during mission CODE RED.
Disclaimer:8Kun administration has no association with this post and OP is only passing on vital information, OP is not a gun owner or a political activists and is not associated with any political groups.