Anonymous ID: 66140c April 27, 2018, 4:50 a.m. No.1207886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7907


>Just saying if you don't raise the animal with love and kill it yourself you prob shouldn't be eating it.


this is very true - wife and i redpilled to factory farming way back in the 1980s and went vegetarian, then vegan - found after 20 years not good for us so we moved to homestead now raise kill butcher and eat all our own meat - goes with eggs and dairy and veg and fruit we raise too - it was a rough transition

well water

totally healthy now - like aging in reverse

pigs cows sheep poultry all open range eat grass - all meat even pork looks like red meat

very lean

chicken very firm and flavorful - cant eveneat legs w/o pressure cooking cause they work em

thighs and breats com[ared to factory farm which are just barely liek polenta cause thats all they eat and no excercise gross!

if you saw it you wouldnt eat it my friends

not to mention cruelty and unsanitary and waste etc etc

too late too many people to change this

we need to cull our pop by half or more

its coming like it or not

Anonymous ID: 66140c April 27, 2018, 5 a.m. No.1207943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7953 >>7960


sorry to pop bubble but seafood is also no good

most is factory farmed with contentrated byproduct feed

shrimp tilapia catfish etc

open waters contaminated with mercury - govt now says ONE serving per week or you get toxic - if they say one it means zero


shellfish farming major coastal water pollution by the farm and crap (real) coming from land


cant eat reef fish special bacteria


wild caught depleting and killing whales dolphins tortoise

  • also levels of toxins in wild caught esp tuna


get it?

we need a massive cull of the most harmful species on planet earth

coming soon to a theater near you

and you wont need a ticket

Anonymous ID: 66140c April 27, 2018, 5:03 a.m. No.1207959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7975 >>7977


>When's a known ZIONIST?



boy do yu evr have it backwards - jews are not looking for god to come christians are - that is why they hate jews like you

read and learn


We see plenty of anti-Israel and anit jewish posts on the board. What is the nature and origin of this attitude and belief? Who started it and why is it still current? Proponents always offer a simple buzzword, phrase, or concept that completely begs these questions. Here is the answer for all anons that care about history and truth.

It all begins with the Bible and ends, surprisingly, with IRAN, of all places. It's easy to trace.

Since the time of St. Paul, the conversion of the Jews has been, for many Christians, a longed-for mark of the end of history, the prelude to the Messianic Age. The Christian obsession with Jewish conversion is tied to critical end-time theology of Paul (“And so all Israel will be saved,” Paul wrote, in Romans)

the simple version of this is to blame Jews "who killed the savior." Yet this does not stand to reason, since the Savior himself, all the Apostles, and Paul, were Jewish. No - the real source of this impulse ln protecting church doctrines.

Can Jesus really be God? Can he really be raised from the dead? The Jewish “No!” rings far more loudly than any other negation, whether from Muslims, Buddhists, or atheists. This is because the entire teachings of Jesus were based on Jewish scripture. That is why the effort to change “No!” into “Yes!” has been an engine of Christian persecution of Jews for two thousand years.

The general principles were made formal in the Justinian Code in 528 AD: (1) to separate them from social intercourse with Christians as far as possible; (2) to prevent them from exercising any authority over Christians, either in a public (as officials) or a private capacity (as masters or employers); (3) to arrange that the exercise of the Jewish religion should not assume the character of a public function.

The Reformation didnothing to change this, as the idea that Judaism was hostile to Christianity was rapidly and fully assimilated into Protestant dogma/ In fact most of the current anti-semitic ideas orifinate with Prtotestant/Evangelical/fundamenalist Christian groups. Neo-Nazi, skinhead, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), white supremacist, motorcycle gangs, and some militia groups fall into this category.

These Christian Identity adherents believed that white Aryans were the “chosen people,” that Africans were subhuman, that Jews were descendants of the Devil, and that the world was moving toward race war.

Ironically, 2,500 years fore the term ‘Aryan’ became popular among

racists and nationalists, the Persian king Darius introduced himself as an Aryan, of Aryan lineage. Indeed the word IRAN" is translated to "ARYAN."

The use of ‘Aryan’ underwent its first extension of meaning in Fermany in 1808. philosopher Friedrich Schlegel declared that the ancestors of the Germans were the ancient Persian ‘Aryans’, proclaiming that ‘…our Germanic ancestors, while they were still in Asia, were known foremost under the name “Aryans”.


More importantly, concepts of the ‘Aryan’ were increasingly charged with

specific character traits that were considered racially inherent and linked to the

notion of racial superiority.


By the turn of the century, the term ‘Aryan’ had become popular among the racial

and racist vocabulary of scholars, publicists and political activists as a synonym for ‘master race’ or ‘highest race’. Moreover, anti-Semites used the term as a synonym for ‘non-Jewish’. Eventually, the term became widely used as a synonym for ‘Nordic’ or ‘Germanic race’.

The adoption of the term ‘Aryan’ by the Nazis would discredit it in Europe, but clearly the ideas have not disappeared. Why not? The answer is simple and should be familiar to every anon on this board who supports the Great Awakening.


That is - you have been lied to. The entire Jew hating blame was invented by the church and adopted by the State for the same reasons. The battle between church and state is a battle for control over WE THE PEOPLE. Borh church and state complete and fight each other for this control. They both use the same tools and techniques. Dividing by gender race and religion and endless other arbitrary categories. The list is endless but ut is 100% clear that both have used anti semitism as one of the primary tools in their quest for domination of WE THE PEOPLE.

Let's end it once and for all - it is a lieas it has always been.

Anonymous ID: 66140c April 27, 2018, 5:11 a.m. No.1207997   🗄️.is 🔗kun


depends on what they eat

if they eat corn the eggs and meat is not good

if they free range they eat greens and bugs plus you give em some corn then eggs and meat are great

need a large area to do this

start small and remember after 2 years you will have a stew chicken or a pet but no eggs

also no chicks unless you have a rooster too but that is another story

Anonymous ID: 66140c April 27, 2018, 5:13 a.m. No.1208009   🗄️.is 🔗kun



hens die to protect their eggs ONCE they start brooding

in natures they all lay in communal nests and a few brood the rest do not

until a brooder sits the eggs are vulnerable but multiple nests is their solution

Anonymous ID: 66140c April 27, 2018, 5:17 a.m. No.1208037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


that is better but still not safe

all fresh and salt water fish are contaminated with toxin inc mercury

fresh water trout are the lowest

check it yourself

watch the water anon

if you are out there you have seen the problem