Anons - some thoughts. With North Korea, we have a perfect opportnity to red pill even further - lots of Normies minds are open and sympathetic on MSM comments sections. A message in Q fashion like this IMO helps and will get those more curious to investigate. I reckon we target any Trump articles (Guardian surprisingly closes comments section off - but FT, Telegraph, NYT, Post etc) - we should drop crumbs. Just my thoughts.
Do you see the way the MSM is a tool of the left and deep state?
Do you see how fearful they are of independent thought?
Do you see how they have reacted and villified Candace Owens, Scott Adams, Jordan Peterson and Kanye West?
Are they afraid?
Are they losing control?
Are the people in the USA waking up?
Is the world waking up?
Is North and South Korea peace just the beginning?
Is Donald Trump draining the swamp?
Is he trying the clean out the pure evil that has infested every strand of society globally?
Has he made ending child trafficking the highest priority?
Is Guantanamo Bay still open?
Are there 25,000 sealed indictments nationwide?
Are we entering a new golden age?
2018 - The Great Awakening. Q anon.