Anonymous ID: b3d235 Dec. 18, 2020, 12:43 a.m. No.12076673   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree which is why I wrote what I wrote. A big indicator to me nothing is going to happen is also that I have no doubt Trump is kept up to date on what we discuss here, general/overall mood since there is no doubt in my mind they know who we are (exactly). Point being, he has to know that some of his staunchest supporters are still behind him but feel as we have stated. Yet that is being done is the same song and dance for the past few years which is to say, basically nothing.


I mean if you really think about it nothing significant was done, literally at all, to quell these issues. We bring in the biggest trafficker in modern history, perhaps the past 500 years, and the guy is killed in a high max prison… nothing done about it. We have two years of literal anti American ploys to frame him for the exact thing they themselves did…. nothing done about it. We have China caught repeatedly trying to destroy country…. nothing (we know of at least) done about it.


The aggravation and fury about these is not simply on these breads as well. I see it on Facebook from friends who aren't even researchers, TheDonald channel is even angrier than many anons here it seems, and so on. People are pissed, to the point where they seem to be demanding him to cross the Rubicon just to assure we don't lose our country and nothing is being done from my eyes.


I hope I am wrong and would be thrilled to eat crow on it but I just don't see it happening from what is going on that we can see. There is just nothing to be hopeful for. Nothing happening to stem the corruption.

Anonymous ID: b3d235 Dec. 18, 2020, 12:50 a.m. No.12076700   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Very likely shills but unfortunately there truly are people out there who believe in that nonsense about vibrations, star children and what not. On night shift it's 50/50 as you're right they have been trying to shill it for years now but at the same time their truly are people who think that type of shit, or praying is going to do a single thing about repairing issues.