I pray not only for victory but that we receive comfort in the battle we are fighting, so much unknown and fear.
Roberts was an obvious deep state hack installed by Bush, they had stuff on him and knew they could control him. Pretty simple.
I am hoping Q's absence is due to being very busy saving the world, hope he comes by to say hi however on his lunch break.
Some good stuff here, I noticed also that the alt-right movement was designed to be just that. To radicalize us to be the Nazis the left wanted to fight. There were many appealing things about the movement, the fighting spirit against the establishment GOP but it twisted things into anti-semitism and white supremecy by stoking peoples fears.
People legitimately fear being replaced by hordes of migrants that do not have any attachment to our culture and ideals, illegals, refugees from violent Muslim countries etc.
Trump was able to focus on the bad parts of those policies and steer people away from the extremes and embrace patriotic Americans of all backgrounds which was brilliant.
I regret having sympathy for Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing, he deserved it all for being evil inside.
news broke that it is delayed
agree it looks defeatist
tactical pitchforks love it