Anonymous ID: cfc3ce Dec. 18, 2020, 7:04 a.m. No.12078883   🗄️.is 🔗kun

COVID-19 Update (as of 17 Dec 20)




World cases: 75,270,788

World deaths: 1,667,596

CFR (Case Fatality Rate): 2.2%

Case Fatality Rate = Confirmed Deaths / Confirmed Infected

Therefore, 97.8% of folks in the World confirmed infected live.


USA total cases: 17,627,070

USA total deaths: 317,929

USA CFR: 1.8%

THerefore, 98.2% of folks in the USA confirmed infected live.


USA deaths last week: 18,194

USA cases last week: 1,544,836


USA Overall IFR (Infection Fatality Rate): 0.24%

USA Current IFR: 0.15%

Infection Fatality Rate = Confirmed Deaths / Theoretically Infected


Theoretically Infected is 7.67 times higher than Confirmed Infected


Note: this is the lowest number I have ever seen. Theoretically infected is typically expected to be 10-20 times confirmed infected.


Overall IFR is total confirmed deaths / total theoretically infected

Current IFR is total confrimed weekly deaths over last week / (total confirmed infected over last week * 7.67)


Therefore, over life of pandemic, a person has a 99.76% chance of living if infected by COVID.

Currently, a person has a 99.85% chance of living if infected by COVID


USA Current IFR for COVID = 0.15%

USA Current IFR for the Flu = 0.13%


CDC Annual Flu Burden (sauce):


CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.


12k / 9 mil = 0.133%

61k / 45 mil = 0.135%

Average = 0.134%


COVID is a tad more deadly than the normal, seasonal flu. Both have a 99+ percent survival rate.


If COVID true infections are 10 times higher than confirmed infected, current COVID IFR is 0.12% lower than the IRF for the normal, seasonal flu.


Use data as you would use flu data to ascertain if you should take the new COVID vaccine.


Virus or Election?


The more you know.