wal mart stoood speechless , dumb af - when they had to address me by the corrected pronoun as:
wal mart stoood speechless , dumb af - when they had to address me by the corrected pronoun as:
Call it fli boi - call the nbext tweker you want to see arrested - do it with a flip,FAGGOT
They chose to demean the wrong race- if they really wanted to be effective, they would've gone w a mikey, the TRANie
kuk news - sandi the whore%witch 50/50 ratio blonde trap and black snatch and trace the bag man ,, khunt draw a crowd udder than adoring nba ccp bleeding ccp chYnese fangs - kwang james
muhBEE teaming up with marina for a live sex orgy and sacrifice of a virgin to re-educate us anons will do the trick - whadda u say, cannibill feast anyun?