Ya'll figure out that you're not gonna get your big, happy ending yet? You're being dragged around for nothing… just so you can watch Biden get sworn in. They want all the potential dissension (Patriots) so riled up that they take shit into their own hands… so that a Biden-controlled Military can squash their Patriot problem. Pacification by "trusting the plan" until you can't take it anymore…and by that time, Biden is in… and America is over.
Biden gets sworn in, and it's over. Don't give 1 flying fuck about any argument otherwise at this point…because you're lying to yourself if you think it can be "saved" once he takes the oath of office. You were duped by some idiots spewing riddles.
Everyone so excited thinking that Trump's meeting with Defense at 3:30 today is actually going to go somewhere. How long are you guys going to keep being played by this dumbfuckery? "The Plan" accomplished what it set out to do…keep you chasing your tails until it was too late to do anything. Well, here we are. Every date people thought was "the big one" has come, gone, and failed. Everything else will follow that same pattern. Bunch of hype, and no payoff. Biden will be President, and Q screwed you.
That dude is KING LARP.