>>12079328 (pb)
>>12079327 (pb) U.S.DOJ charges a China-Based executive at a U.S. telecom company with disrupting video meetings commemorating Tiananmen Square Massacre
As if we needed any more proof of [CCP] USA Tech [Infiltration & Subversion.
Here's another one exposed.
==[Julien Jin] Software Developer - WebEx Min Zhu - Founder - WebEx > Eric Yuan - Founder/CEO - Zoom==
Julien Jin (Xinjiang Jin) - China-Based executive at a U.S. telecom company.
WebEx Software Developer
Grad - Zhejiang University
(Company-1 = WebEx)
(DOJ excerpt)
According to the complaint, Jin served as Company-1’s primary liaison with PRC law enforcement and intelligence services. In that capacity, he regularly responded to requests from the PRC government for information and to terminate video meetings hosted on Company-1’s video communications platform. Part of Jin’s duties included providing information to the PRC government about Company-1’s users and meetings, and in some cases he provided information – such as Internet Protocol addresses, names and email addresses – of users located outside of the PRC. Jin was also responsible for proactively monitoring Company-1’s video communications platform for what the PRC government considers to be “illegal” meetings to discuss political and religious subjects unacceptable to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the PRC government.
Min Zhu (age 78) - WebEx former CEO & co-founder
Grad - Zhejiang University
On May 13, 2005, WebEx announced that Zhu was stepping down as WebEx's CTO and retiring to China, where he would serve as a "WebEx Fellow."
Eric Yuan - Zoom CEO
Min Zhu and Subrah Iyar found - Future Labs
(1995) Zhu & Iyar start - WebEx
(1997) Eric Yuan - Goes to work for WebEx as employee #20.
(2007) Cisco buys WebEx. Eric Yuan becomes - Vice President of Engineering for Cisco Webex
(2011/2012) Yuan starts - Saasbee (short-lived)
(2012) Started - Zoom = Whose servers are in Mainland China.
The Point:
(Min Zhu) - WebEx - Zhejiang Univ.
(Eric Yuan) - WebEx, Zoom - Servers in China
(Julien Jin) - WebEx - Zhejiang Univ. - WebEx calls = [Sabotage for CCP]
Cisco WebEx
Deep ties in China.