Flip flop…. The roller coaster that you have made of these people lives. I find all of this very pleasing. Way better than what I was going to do……..
I don't forgive anything. More of kill them all and let god sort them out…. But letting them live as they watch their lives fall apart is more cruel.
This next bit is not going to be nice.If you guys have ever seen are know who the punished was…… He didn't have mercy. Did't care if you was good or evil….. Only if you was doing bad. Much like the ghost rider…….
Even those that are on as what you see is your side is going to be punished…
Few are going to like what is about to happen.
Q and team I hope you meet an honorable death. You are not to out live your enemy long and sadly meet almost the same end….. LOL some kind of sick justice to the universe.
Just remember winner write the history books. So at least you you be remembered fondly…