Tablet form anon? From a pet shop?
Serious question.
Many thanks anon :)
Here's some javascript that places a post counter beside the quick reply box. Add to Options User JS
/ Display a replies counter overlay in the top right corner /
$('head').append('<style>#thread_stats_posts_ovl { '+
'font:38px sans-serif;color:#9988ee;}</style>');
$('body').append('<div id="thread_stats_posts_ovl"/>');
function copyStats() { $('#thread_stats_posts_ovl').
$(document).on('new_post',copyStats); copyStats();});
>Cures cancer
I've seen videos from years ago on this very subject anon. That's what interests me most.
>Does Victoria' Secret even handle that situation?
They've got bigger fish to fry right now kek
Irish girls laugh at the NFL. Those guys should come over here and our girls will teach them to become men. Bunch of poofs!
>Disney has enough problems with their cruise ship excursions to pedo island.
Any anon have the reddit post from years ago? Freaky as fuck post about Disney resorts and hidden tunnels?
You forgot to ip hop Royston.
>We have got to the point where we must take out the trash.
Don't you have 6 wives to do that for you Royston?
Gonna need ordinates bro. I'll wait.
The left can't meme Royston.