Anonymous ID: c7fc05 Dec. 18, 2020, 5:10 p.m. No.12085745   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The higher you go, the more idiots you know. Degrees do NOT equal intelligence. It's a different type of idiocy…it's a scary, self and clique reinforcing kind. Unfortunately, influential idiocy is common with the more 'learned'.


I have a professional degree from a flagship university and the craziest, most dumbassed people I've met were ones with advanced degrees. Sadly, I dated some before I knew. Especially psych majors. (Business here)


Ivory tower idiots, especially the crazy kind, are what gives birth to socialism and other rhetorical fantasies that sound great in parlors, but fall miserably flat in the real world.


As we see daily before us now.