I forgot all about that guy. "George Webb". Wow he's aged in 2 years.
>Why was JD Rockefeller working on a more lethal cancer
I forgot all about that guy. "George Webb". Wow he's aged in 2 years.
>Why was JD Rockefeller working on a more lethal cancer
> very left, brainwashed daughter
can't stand people who can't even pass on their rationale to their kids. such a basic thing. can't imagine a valid excuse for such a fucking fail
>not from "a trustworthy source"
Maybe focus on that first? Start them with times fox news lied.
Then show then times cnn lied.
Until you show them that THERE IS NO TRUSTWORTHY SOURCE.
You really have to figure out paths for yourself, and determine some largely truthtelling sources along the way, and develop a sense of what's right and wrong internally.
Basically, give them a crash course in epistemology.
News is just a fucking business. It's just fucking money. Why would ANY of that be "trustworthy".
To save them, you must think like them.
well you can put obstacles or you can try.
You have to defeat wrong logic.
it's not about the source it's about building a worldview that is consistent, supportable and dependable. Fuck sources.
Depends where on the bell curve they are. Maybe some people really are just cattle tbpfh.