Anonymous ID: 9d4ae5 Dec. 19, 2020, 1:10 a.m. No.12089864   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wow. Amazing Polly is amazing. Just watched her latest vid. Be sure to check it out:


It led me to one by SGT Report about the complicity of the enforcers, in particular the health care workers and public health officials who are suppressing our freedoms. The health nazis. ‘Because CoVid’. Another must view:


In watching the oft repeated scenes of the people ‘just doing their jobs’ (ie ‘just following orders’ ‘show me your papers’) I wondered how they can do what they do. These are not goons (although there are those too, eg Kicker). No, they are the unflappable ones. They just keep repeating the message they have been programmed to repeat. They push keep pushing and when you don’t succumb, then they call in the goons.


It put me in mind of a little known movie called The Delicate Art of Parking. It’s mostly Kek but I just wander if there might not be some insight to be gained from it.


Here it is on IMDB: