If you go back and reread some Q post on 12/19/2017
Seems today is the day to remove 1-4 federal judges and disptach the NG. Bill Binney is mentioned.
If you go back and reread some Q post on 12/19/2017
Seems today is the day to remove 1-4 federal judges and disptach the NG. Bill Binney is mentioned.
There is a Newsweek article stating that Trump could launch his own Coup.
Then it says:
Same day.
Only the beginning.
These are the things that haven't happened yet.
When I tell people about Revelation and Christ and how they are in the comms, I am mocked. I guess pictures help. Here is something for you all: Three stars will become one on that day.
Post 396: 19384z refer to JFK assassination documents
Yeah, I saw that too but I can't find it and it caught my eye. I just know this to be true. I always said Revelation is given as a gift from God for the living and given as a Grace from God for the dead. But first a burning scroll.
Oh wait I think it was a 4 chan prediction right? 7 hills etc…
I think the prophecy of Kek but I can only find photos not actual words to copy and paste, maybe you could find.
Found it
>It will happen when the weather cools.
>That's when they'll make their move.
>The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.
>They're trying to force God's hand.
>1. Three branches will become one.
>2. An island will drift away.
>3. A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
>4. The star will gorge itself on clay.
>5. Idols will speak and move about.
>6. The black flag will fly above the dome.
>7. The belly of the dragon will drip water.
>8. Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
>9. A rock will stand on seven hills.
>10. The ravens will starve.
>11. The bear will leave its cave forever.
>12. The rod and the ring will strike.
I think they are referring to Revelations as the last Epiphany, look up the definition it is one of them.
That must be the prophecy of "KeK"
That's not my prophecy, the prophecy of "Kek" but it does have some interesting phrases that I can identify with.
Please clarify.
Just so guys know, I think there is an amazon book that describes how the prophecy of "Kek" has already been realized and some articles stating how Trump got into power but I haven't read them.
Which terms are you looking to define?
Here is a link of the prophecy decoded:
If God is on your mind at that time you will know the right thing to do and say. Put on the Armor of God, it really does work miracles.
This came from Post 382:
We have tremendous WW support.
SATAN has left the WH.
Day of days.
Does anyone think the 3 gorges dam will collapse? Today?
Yes, because some things will not relent..