>>12089318 LB
while the chinese are building major military roads for their assault on india, the russians are sitting back munching popcorn. why? because vladimir totally axed the deep state f&$kers years ago. in russia, that threat has been neutralized. so, that leaves some other means being needed to reassert the deep state in russia. thus… have the usa attack russia. that isn't going to happen under president trump. why? go back to the beginnings of Q's posts. look for the youtube video. you'll know you found the right one when you see that russian flag flying near the end. putin is one step ahead of the usa in regards to taming the deep state threat. so, while china failed to take the usa by insurrection and thus have joe do it … they are now [CCP] going to focus on india.
in short… russia is a threat to the deep state because it is not controlled by rothchild's et al $$$