Or it could be Cue, and this is a message, the new title.
This is pedophilia, she is a minor.
Where are her parents? Take this down from the board.
There is no pandemic. Viruses are natural, exsomes, and are not contagious. So, for the life of me, I can't yet figure out why all these 'vaccines', and why is POTUS allowing for such since he doesn't really support vacccines.
Are they saline? Is it a big Q Troll? I know many say it's cover for the military to move…but if that's so, it's going too far. Vaccines are always dangerous, destroying the immune system and deadly, at least all the ones given previously to this one.
And people need to recall their political leaders right now, and take legal action against their 'mask' discrimination. We all have a medical exemption and it's illegal to violate our rights on many, many grounds. Watch Peggy, The Healthy American videos on bitchute.