Anonymous ID: 382694 April 27, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.1209406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Genetic modification and immigration- I finally get the rape epidemic. It's the long game.


A child born of rape won't be brought up to be Muslim. So I didn't see how that advanced their cause other than just terror.


But what if the product is a genetically altered child that will pass this modification on to future generations while the "power families" continue to breed within the family (unadultered).


Do we know how advanced this modification is? Like AI is it farther along than we think? Is 23andme testing to find genetic codes to attack, or are they just taking a poll of how many already exist?


Or possibly, does the modification they will exploit exist in Muslim populations at a higher percent just naturally and they are taking advantage of that?


There are published studies that Muslim populations have a very high incident of genetic anamolies.


It's a perfect way to infect the world.


  1. Find 3rd world low education population naturally altered or artifically alter which would be easiest in controlled environment.


  1. Use Islam as means to justify rape of infidels.


  1. Cause mass immigration of muslims to infidel countries.


  1. Sit and watch rape epidemic along with marriage and mass child reproduction through multiple wives.


  1. Measure results with genetic testing push for health of course.


  1. Use weaponized genetic technology to control the masses, or loved ones of the masses.


Where we gone 1 we go all. This is a world wide fight. Nationalism/individualism should be celebrated and treasured. But our job is to educate and awake the world. God be with us.