Anonymous ID: b4af3d April 27, 2018, 8:18 a.m. No.1209388   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I was so puzzled by this article that Q linked. Then, the "END" comment made it seem as though once we've dug enough on this, we will have reached the end of that one very dark chasm of the cabal (tafficking/sex slaves, etc). In reading the article, the only thing's standing out to me are:

  1. She was a loving daughter and big sister to four younger siblings

  2. Her love for animals was unparalleled: growing up in 4-H


Too much browsing and digging has given me so much A.D.D. lately that I forget to copy links when I see something stand out, but I seem to remember something that either Q or an anon said about 4H being tied to missing kids, or something like that. Outside of that, was this some sort of message to us from Q that Mariah Sunshine Coogan is somehow related/tied to Wendy/Mack, etc? Was she in the NVXIUM cult or something? Is the cabal cleaning house, too, in order to get rid of witnesses? Both, perhaps?


It's all just ominous-as-fuck-all.

Anonymous ID: b4af3d April 27, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.1209638   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What if we're reading Q wrong here. Was there a marker somewhere we missed that would have referenced these posts as they relate to current events Re: Kanye? Thinking in the vein of "Future Proves Past", then what I'm seeing is a post from Oct 31st that doesn't make a lick of sense other than general speech about Dems and their political Plantation, followed by vague pedo references.


Jan 6th was about black unemployment (priming the pump for future happenings already planned with Kanye).


An article published recently RE: Maxine Waters tried to pin all her excessive wealth on mailers and donations raking it in. Q's posts, however, seem to suggest the faux black leaders are in on the gig, the trafficking, the Dem party grip on the black community.


To answer Q's question RE: why D's want to control the blacks? That's a 2-parter:

  1. Census is ENTIRELY wrong (blacks make up way more of this country than you think)

  2. Malleable voting blocks, obviously (Dems could lose significantly everywhere, but rake in a bunch of folks from the black community to cast ballots by busloads, and boom; election wins)

  3. D's write the education material, hence easily cover up the crimes of D's an KKK, etc.

  4. CIA/Mossad run pop media/culture (this is also a no brainer). It would appear as though people understand how to appeal to the nature of groups of people, and they have found a niche with the black community and music/tv/movies. This is true, too, with whites, but maybe it isn't AS effective as, say, advertisements and more suggestive/subliminal type of messaging.


Just theorizing.

Anonymous ID: b4af3d April 27, 2018, 8:55 a.m. No.1209741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9759 >>9769 >>9803 >>9809 >>9830


I want to say she's already been redpilled. Remember Q's comments RE: 1 by 1 (he's flipping them). They are scared actors (Back then it was 80/20 reveal). Now we've progressed to a 60/40 reveal set of posts, and Macron, possibly, has been flipped (left to continue his acting to keep the puppet masters placated).


If Merkel isn't already on board, then she will be soon, followed by May and the UK. Until the timing is right, however, and the trap completely set (ie: No way to escape from the law enforcement) then the MOAB will drop after all the evil folks have been captured navy seal style.



How long have they been coordinating with Trump, is the question you need to ask. This man has had these aspirations for a long time. I would imagine that Trump and team have been in on the planning and execution for a very long time. From what I know about Trump, he's savvy enough to know to not even bother with playing a game unless he can win for sure. He's not a gambler, he's a planner.


Rogers scurrying into Trump tower was a CLEAR signal, to me at least, that they've been working together for a VERY long time. Let me ask you this:

If you learned, later on, that Trump was going to be president irrespective of voter turnout, would you be disappointed? What if it was done to free our nation from evil, but the framers of the plan were caring enough of our collective conscious to make it appear as democratically done as possible?


I guaran-fucking-tee you his re-election will be the reddest map of the US since Reagans; probably even more so. However, there will be no need for intervention from good actors. It'll be the actual will of the people for the first time since JFK.


That's how epic this is.

Anonymous ID: b4af3d April 27, 2018, 8:57 a.m. No.1209755   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Again, it was said VERY RECENTLY that McCain would abruptly retire. Not serve out his term, but ABRUPTLY retire.



Anonymous ID: b4af3d April 27, 2018, 9 a.m. No.1209779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9797 >>9814


I'm going to take that as a huge compliment. Man, if I could just study under Trump for a week, I'd be grateful. It's abundantly clear his outside persona is a facade to cover for the fact that he's madly intelligent.


He got everyone fooled by his TV personality.