did I mention what big assholes the discord and anime bakers are?
this is a 'filter the baker and all responders' kind of bread.
fcuk ffo
coordinate it without child-grooming Anime, is a demand of mine.
you go right back to that part of the body, it seems a fixation of yours.
do you justify your creepiness by pretending that you are just 'hazing' us to make us stronger?
you're a creep , you know it, and you act like your victims, who dare to slap back at you (when you slap them) dare to say 'ucfk fof'
the shills repeat the same thing over and over and over
the other shills act as if it's anon.
it's all the same shills.
if Anjel G could GET into space force he'd become 'Guardians Angel'
I held back on conjecture to not start them but if they want a rumor:
the breech was to a honey paught.
that is nothing I know. It just makes sense.
critical thinking: the system is all proxied by real firewalls not controlled by the cabal and . . .
they have a 'public' versin for each hacker team.
and they only see their view.
so if they breech it, they breech it inside of a
what is called a
. . .
chroot jail
but that's a fake story if you think it's news. It's conjecture.
probably isn't true.
of course all the computers world wide were breeched by known badguys who have never given up the constant hack attack.
there was no mitigation or anything and the people in charge just let it all happen.
or ?
here is the point: I have no idea for real, and am on the outside.
you think that a virtual server is a hard thing to do?
how many of them do you need to run at the same time?
if you have the resources of MI, how hard?
end of rumor mill type nonsense. Please do not report this as news. It's 'spurious alternative conjecture of a playful and willful nature'