Are we under “Sunday Law” with lockdowns?
Not many kids got the virus…..why are the cunts at CDC worried about the kids?
If CDC did their JOB none of this would have happened…..don’t play Monday morning QB and pretend you know what your doing
Touch the kids your agency and ALL its employees will be furloughed
Yes assholes, taxpayers can “furlough” Federal employees
Kind of a common way for rich guys to commit suicide
Has some local biz man drive into a Mickey D’s
Bill Hates…..err Gates……Stalin reborn
There will always be bottom feeders like Billy
I’ll take the vax, when Bill Gates is man enough to give it to me……
Ask Biden how much his fam and the Duponts have made selling gunpowder to the rest of the world
Barr quit……or did you not hear that?
Anything he did is now over…..he can’t declas(another nickel) shit now, he’s on the outside looking in
Read a government manual before being a blowhard…..