Tony Schaeffer just said that SolarWinds was used to also protect the NGO's.
>what if NSA accidenally releases it all?
Tony Schaeffer just said that SolarWinds was used to also protect the NGO's.
>what if NSA accidenally releases it all?
Mitch McConnell is likely a touchy topic for many after this week. HOWEVER
What GOOD could come from his speech?
Pressure on Kamala to give up her seat. When will she do so? Who will it go to?
It would sure be a shame if MAGA Drags and boat parades started up againโฆ..
(YOU) are a fucked up loser. Pompeo brought missions of Peace, is surgically removing the CCP from influence.
Embrace. The. Suck.
We shall see. He left a little bit of a hedge in there last night w/Levin. All that matters.
Likely China. See: The Great Hack.
What would Russia do if it was proven that China hacked the entire US Gov't system and tried to frame Russia? What might the future hold for the Russian people?
I find it interesting that this hack was revealed and is so widespread as a time when the US is FINALLY making chips stateside again. We will have to Build Back Better lol. Fuck Joe.
Freedom. We will have our Country back.
Think they might now find the Flynn 302? Lol.
Woke up comfy today.
Cuomo should be coming on the radar soon for his own dealmaking with Elena Baturina and New York taxpayer money in pay for play.
Pretty Clear vs Absolutely, Definitively, without a doubt.