comes and goes in waves, but atm closer than ever before
No substitutes for the real thing
I studied it most of my early life
Turned away for a long while
But as of late I've came back with a newer understanding
3 years here and it just clicked a few months back
I'm thankful, and am doing the work now, but i feel like those years of turmoil were necessary
As much as i didn't and don't like them, He works in mysterious ways
I will say the connections and things I make now astound my family that have been trying their best in the Church and more
Perhaps they were a bit too close to see it, and my stepping out and coming back was a gift in a way
Definitely paid a big price for it, but has been more than worth
May pay more, but that's not up to me
Love you, anon
We should pray for each other
All of us, especially those who don't see yet
>38.95227, -77.14577
Those squiglies at market fair access are interesting
probably not what youre going for as it doesnt seem to connect with the other one
Ive been hearing/thinking along the same lines, but that was nicely said and put together
I appreciate it
Not a movie guy but will probably watch it later
They are panicking
And the war has picked up
There are more gems here than ever before, but seeing them takes a trained eye
Only God can train the eye for that
Pray, for everything he can give you
Mercy and guidance being near the top of that list imo