Anonymous ID: 47c6bb Dec. 19, 2020, 4:22 p.m. No.12097631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7689 >>7730 >>7824 >>7845

>>12096266 lb

Civil war is not even an option.

It's not even possible to have a civil war in this country and expect it to go well. It wouldn't play out like last time. There are too many variables now.

There would be a vast majority of people not participating in the war, and they run the risk of dying too, by the hand of circumstance or by some sick fuck that just wants to slaughter people based on arbitrary and self-serving reasons. Also, think about mentally unstable people.

Who would play referee to defend the innocent bystanders?

Who would referee the media and not allow them to call it a race war?

Who would referee the politicians and not allow them to change the rules as the game goes on?

This is not a schoolyard fist fight where there's a skirmish, a winner is declared, and the quarrel is settled.

What about all the other countries on Earth that would watch all this play out?

How would a civil war in America affect world markets?

Would world leaders retaliate?

How would the media spin the whole situation to foreign entities to make the good guys look bad?

There are a thousand questions just like that that cannot be answered or have terrible answers.

Civil war in the USA would destroy everything positive we've built up until this point.

No turning back after that.

There would be a significant chance the country would be split into pieces.

The ONLY way is the military.

If any kind of civilian vs civilian war occurs, and the military doesn't step in and stop it, we lose our country.

And if nothing is done about our current situation, we lose our country.

What's the other option?

The military.


If our top brass and /ourguys don't know that, there's no reason to trust them.

But there's no way they don't.

They know what has to happen.

There are 2 main options.

  1. The military doesn't get involved


  1. The military gets involved.

Option 1 "leaves the door open" for socialism, from which our country will never recover, or it leaves us with a huge mess after likely a years long civil war completely trashes our economy and leaves our people forever divided. In other words, Poverty.

Option 2 "opens the door" to clean corrupt swamp creatures out of our government, prevent civil unrest, show the entire world the might of the American armed forces, prevents needless death, and exposes the truth to anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain.


The only ones that might get forcefully removed by armed patriots are the corrupt swamp creatures.

That includes the ENTIRE swamp.

So they have a choice to make.


They know all this. Which means so does POTUS.

That's why they won't let civil war break out.

There's only one way out from here.