The institution will be watered down to the point where it doesn't matter if they get their way. And as Catholics, most of them should be expecting that a billion dollars worth of indulgences won't keep them out of hell.
2007 is when it became mandatory that cars be capable of remotely receiving instructions to murder you.
Until about 2005, most of the computers were read-only and only had enough volatile memory for fuel mapping.
Some 05-06 cars may be safe too, but that's about it. If you ever need a new one and can't find any of the remaining good cars, research what computers they use and what you have to unhook to make the car safe.
Remotely controlling a fully mechanical car would be quite a trick. Until they decided to ruin everything in 2007, most cars only had 2-5 computers including the stereo. Many have had their programs dumped and every component analyzed.
Ok, what do you think you know that I don't?