>I was using sarcasm.
autists can't recognize sarcasm face to face. NO ONE can recognize it from text, bc it's lacking the cues of facial expression and vocal inflection.
or are you too autistic to understand? (sarc)
>I was using sarcasm.
autists can't recognize sarcasm face to face. NO ONE can recognize it from text, bc it's lacking the cues of facial expression and vocal inflection.
or are you too autistic to understand? (sarc)
>has given more than $850 million to philanthropic causes
it's NOT how much you give or what percent you give… the ONLY thing that counts is how much YOU KEEP!
READ the bible, biblefags.
FFS, this is NOT 5th grade remedial science study hall. take this retarded Rh slide somewhere else, glowniggers.
niggers be SO fond of telling everyone that according to SCIENCE, the first human beings evolved in africa, so WE ALL BLACK, homie.
>Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation
make up whatever shit floats your tiny little boat. a stack of research articles from peer-review scientific journals trumps a blog, asshat.
>Ok try a Noble Prize winner
cary mullis DIED long before covid became a thing. furthermore, all he said (in reference to HIV) was that PCR was never intended to diagnose a viral infection, and 90-95% of positive tests would be false.
a swing and a miss, STRIKE THREE, YOU'RE OUTTA HERE!
>LSD used repeatedly is really really bad.
says the uptight temperance marcher who never tried any. GTFOH, jizzbreath.
>They are using PCR to diagnosis a viral infection…
>So no COVID has been Gold Sandardized…
non-sequitur. your facts are uncoordinated. there is NO logical inference connecting those two statements.
A is true. B is some retarded shit made up by a retarded fuckwit. it does NOT follow from A as a logical consequence.
>Anyone know what year automobiles became vulnerable to remote hacking?
whatever year OnStar and its competitors were introduced. many yrs ago, students at texasA&M demonstrated that onstar could be hacked and used to cause an auto to crash.
>You do as you please. Life is better all around when ya don’t abuse yourself.
lemme see… guy does tons of acid for many yrs, then invents nobel prize winning technology.
(You) abstain your whole life, and can't find crackerjack prize, but come here to talk shit on other people with ZERO basis.
ok, I'M convinced.
>Dr. Fauci admits the PCR test for coronavirus is all but useless as it is administered in the US
LEARN TO READ, FUCKWIT. i SAID that was TRUE. i've BEEN saying it from day one.