Contrails is all there is, fucktard
Free Willy ???
Tell me what the fuck THIS is, and I might click…. or not
I know what chem trails are supposed to be. I also know they don't exist.
Studied and taught weather for 40 years.
Zero evidence of chem trails, fallout from chem trails.
Go back to jerking off to netporn
I am not the shill. Stop sliding.
If you move out of your mom's basement and get a job, you will realize how stupid you sound
Go outside and look at the sky, instead of hiding in your mom's basement.
Russia exports oil and Nat. gas, and they want to run a pipeline THROUGH the middle east. That is why they are interested in Syria.
You think an article by non chemists, and non physicists make a diff?
Article is stupid. Assumes chem trails exist without evidence….. not science.
Eat a bag of dicks, stupid.