hmm…… I think this site is a good dig but it's confusing to me in how. Sorry anon's ignore this as I need more context I just am testing the waters to see if I get a reaction in posting this url.
interimhealthcare ok now I see…. arthritis cure. That might have something to do with Hillary…
Tho I want to say anyone trying to say "murder/Death/Kill" sorts of things is either a child or misunderstanding how the shills try to get us banned by posing us as murderous radical thugs. No matter what justice you deem appropriate for a McCain or Obama there is only bad paths that await in demanding their executions. Rise above it! Be better than them! God bless.
nonsense, my family is cult and they aren't going to hang. My elder sister is dead and I know more than most due to my lifetime of being their victim. I am Alan of the QMAP. So you are talking to the one person who actually knows something about this.
True enough and I barely know myself after this month of tragedy being re-learned, but I do know a hell of a lot of deals were made. My sister worked for the E.P.A. of Obama and delivered to him tapes of me which I FOID they are still ongoing and when they are released soon I'm going to be known everywhere. Q has been getting me used to just talking with people again so i'm sorry if I don't come off like a normal person, when you see the tapes you'll understand why.
Having said all that… My mother is a horrible woman who victimized me all her life yet I'm 99% she flipped and won't go to jail for it. That's the case with most of the mid-tier cult, those like Obama/McCain are probably just going to prison NOT being hanged. My sister is dead probably because she "Acted" that's what they kill you for. Not if you do nothing, if you do nothing you go to jail, if you flip you get off but most now can't flip WAY TO LATE
In my case it's because my grandfather divorced a cultist so his son Jack "Alan" and me were cursed, my father is dead and so is my grandmother and so is probably most of my family. But not me, As a child they filmed my sister and I in the bath in what I assume were to be sex videos but that fell through, and you'll understand why when the videos are released.
Complicated story… for the most part people with ADT security and are marked get their footage sent to Epstein island. My family is "the cow" as in my grandfather's farmland. Long story again… for most people they just "CAM the Ram"…. ok this is going to take WAY too long, Q asked me to start a twitter so here you go.
Scroll to the bottom for the real Alan story. I don't really like talking to people anyway but I'm trying to get better at that. Thank you for your time.
I had to do the FOIA so a bit more of a hands on approach was needed with me due to my unique place in the QMAP. I finally "answered the calls" they were sending and the class action law-suit is there.
Did you see the image I linked? That's "Bill" I am Bill! which trump also tweeted! I also said I didn't know who to talk to thus Q made "Twitter in the shitter" See how I'm guided by him?