I've been on break for quite a while. I've come back with Keystones. Everything has more than one meaning.
The Gospel of Thomas. 32323
Key 1
1.1 Jesus said: “Let him who seeks not stop seeking until he finds, and when he finds he will be troubled, and if he is troubled he will become amazed, and he will become king over the all of it.” (Th. 2)
Key 2
3.1 Jesus said: “Many times have you desired to hear these words which I speak to you, and you have none other from whom to hear them. Some days will come when you will seek after me, and you will not find me.” (Th. 38)
Key 3
6.1 Jesus said: “Seek, and you shall find; but those things you asked me in those days, I did not tell you then. Now I wish to tell them, and you seek not after them.” (Th. 92)
This is connected to Q through the Q Source. While your tasks have been important, that were preparing you to find the kingdom.
The code is 32323. The 5 trees. The [full] house, the 3 against the 2, the 2 against the 3, the Son against the Father.
This won't make sense until you are ready for it. If you aren't, save it. It will hit you one day. When you see the things hidden right in front of you, everything else will be revealed.
Approach it the same way you did your work here.
Take care. Godspeed.