NewFags: Here's all you need to know about the 'anti-semites' on this board
Aww - You getting mad Osama?
You are aren't you.
Did I just totally dismantle your bullshit anti-Jew narrative?
Maybe you should try not to so obviously lie and distort.
Coming soon. How to pwn a Muhjoo Shill in under 5 posts.
Who are the MuhJoo shills?
Free thinking American patriots?
I don't think so.
More like a team of Iranian psyops.
(Ooops, look what they accidentally posted).
These people are stupid.
Kek welcome to the IRGC ass kicking party Anon.
Our ever present MuhJoo Shill Team 6 inadvertently posted comedy gold not so long ago
Mohamed married Aisha when she was 6.
He was good enough to wait until she was 9 before consummating it.
No wonder the Muzzie shills have so much child porn.
Oh look. The shill just copied a classic meme and "Jewed it up a bit"
Not an original thought in that tiny mind.
Hey MuhJoo Shill.
How's the shilling going?
Anyone falling for your bullshit narrative tonight?
"Oh Noes! It's the Jooos! The Jooos! and JIDF!"
(You) are a fucking joke.
We are just gonna have to work with what we've got.
I'm not Jewish.
I don't defend Jews.
I defend truth and free thinking.
You wouldn't understand.
Keep echoing me. It just pushes my message further.
Sorry about the friendly fire!
"We" Do you have lice or something?
"American Goyim" I think we have quite firmly established you are muslim, middle eastern, most likely Iranian and to top it all off everything you do smells like IRGC.
Dude you are talking to a MuhJoo shill. With them it's always the Jews, only the Jews and all of the Jewsโฆ Quit while you are ahead.
Ignorance is a choice.