I'm only half unstable ||allegedly|| and certainly not on crack. But I have a theory.
After having several things….poooooof I started to wonder.
Do things we do/think/experience that make us think of a certain event or piece of media of some kind, or an event that was suppppposed to CREATE that piece of media that time travelers stole then gave back so they DON'T EXIST YET?
Just curious.
Please tell me it's late enough on night shift for this to make sense. I've had the pots ||not enough apparently|| but I think I'm onto something. I can assure that a few things I've noticed gone are err….wtf status things. No I won't elaborate on specific things 'cause that kills the conversation with call in psychic level responses. I have Mario shit on on youtube so I'm sure it's affecting my mental mood so keep that in mind; a Cheerful German fellow who speaks better English than even some of my ENGLISH friends which is fun times=cool accent plus keks.