The seat belt lights about to go on? We on approach?
The seat belt lights about to go on? We on approach?
>Aren't we crossing the Delaware/Rubicon on Christmas Eve?
Just woke up from a mid flight nap. Needed to get my bearings
I’m not Dan but anons and I were the reason Skipper posted soon after “Mistakes to some are roadmaps to others” when we worked out ideas on the 3 missing EO’s connecting to the 3 sec “miss”. I actually think Dan helped us out working on it keks of all keks if true
“If you only knew how good things really are.” message from last night is legit. Whoever posted that gets props because with the pic of POTUS on the stairs and all that light… I could feel a shift
>we all have someone killed by the deep state
Literally everyone that dies is essentially murdered. Mass poisoning from all directions combined with EMF/wave poisoning we will die well before our natural lifespan would have permitted. It’s all premeditated too.
Gotta be part of the movie. Basket of tendies and fries says it comes in time for Christmas
I believe POTUS also refers to random unrest/riots when speaking of “pockets” or “embers that pop …up will be dealt with quickly”