>You're failure
Oh look he continues to be retarded, what a fucking shock.
I can't fucking stand idiots like you. Every time this places falls for something, we get cunts like you tripping over each other going"NONONONO THOSE AREN'T REEEAAAAL ANONS THOSE MUST BE SHILLS NOOOOOOOOOOO"like being "Anon" makes you some sort of infallible space wizard. Bro fuck off, you aren't infallible, you aren't immune to propaganda and neither is anyone else here. God forbid people actually get corrected and learn from mistakes, no. It's always =="THOSE AREN'T REAL ANONS REEEEEEE!!!11!111!1" Fucking God damn little puke, little no experience on chans before 2017 fucking poser. Get fucked you fucking brainlet clown.