Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 20, 2020, 12:38 a.m. No.12101944   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are there strong theories on what the "Ten Days. Darkness." could be? Was it the antifa fires in Oregon where the sun was awol for 10-ish days, or has it not happened yet? After the Gmail outage and seeing search results get hobbled on PornHub, I fear the 10 days might be as big as a partial/total media/internet shutdown in response to POTUS' moves.


I want to be ready if the latter is the case. I would like to prepare to red pill my lefty family when they come to me in fear and ask why I'm so comfy. I'm a lazy lurker; what should I study up on so I'm ready? I would like a 1-page summary of facts and observations that I could memorize.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 20, 2020, 2:22 a.m. No.12102414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

frens, we've come a long way.

withing coming weeks all our efforts will come into play. GEOTUS Trump WRWY all the way.

It ends with/in Gitmo