I think the Swalwell drop was to insert the blocking force around congress to keep Pelosi pinned down as the good guys advance on Obama. They'll round up the 5th column stooges trying to get out of Dodge. Russia stuff from Pompeo was to flush some out. Just because Pompeo said clear Russian involvement doesn't mean China and Iran weren't involved, too. Schiff, for example, thought he found a way through the blockade and stuck his head out. If they keep yapping the force tightens the perimeter and peels of the bagmen until Pelosi is exposed.
Roberts drop was the same strategy on the Justice system. They rolled Breyer up in that, so Roberts will get pressure from inside the court to stop his bullshit.
I think the Powell as SC story was a canary trap to flush out the leakers to the NYT. That would be the media front being rolled up. Maggie NYT would be a good start.