got the link to the original post?
I looked at this a bit closer and it is either a larp or an attempt to dissuade people from acting stupid.
A) Everyone knew the mail in ballots were going to be use to cheat Biden in.
B) It is obvious that the deep state will pull every card out to make Trump seem to lose including using the MSM and social media.
So this isnt really much of a prediction but I would guess that may have been the intent. This post did not predict the court challenges; it did not predict the path the challenges have went; and most importantly it seems that the declaration of the "Biden win" was supposed to be the primer that started the attacks but clearly that did not happen.
At the very most I would rate the post as a counter psyop to prevent violence while the election is currently being decided. If Trump does not use his power to fix the election problems then he is no President that I want and if shit hits the fan it will be a military coup that ensues instead of a bunch of gun happy "white supremacists."