'Biden''' Is A Brutal Enforcer Of The
Jesuit-Illuminati Globalist Warmongers
Crimes of Uncle Joe'
The deeper motive involves the historical drive of the Jesuits, as led by Jesuit-trained intel execs like Bill Donovan, Casey, Angleton and Dulles to exterminate the Orthodox Church of Russia, which has lasting ties with the churches of the East, including those ancient faith communities in the Aramaic-speaking region of Jesus of Galilee. The Vatican's sectarian vendetta that began with the Great Schism has since morphed into unholy alliances with the Hapsburg empire, its Frankist Jewish spies, the Rothschild Illuminati, and institutionalized by the Society of Jesus IHS, the Jesuits.
In this geopolitical perspective, the Bidens' intrigues in Ukraine figure massively in theJesuit-NATO preparations for a coming invasion of Russia, Belarus and Central Asia, and when that bloody work is done, Iran and China before victory in WWIII is declared by whoever is left standing.For Christians, only one word is needed to describe thislooming Age of Evil, that being "Antichrist", which translates to the secularists as a big Bad Apple.
Biden's Foreign Intrigues
Here are other points that should encourage a serious and thorough investigation into election fraud by theJesuit-controlled Biden-Pelosi criminal cabal.
Young Joseph Robinette Biden cut his teeth as a CIA recuit during the late 1960s on a secret mission to the Red Guards base on the Tianshan mountains of Xinjiang, China, to monitor Soviet nuclear blasts at the nearby Semipalatinsk test site.
Biden soon thereafter returned to China as a freshman senator fronting for the CIA. As it turns out the airplane escape of the infamous leftist Lin Piao to evade arrest in Beijing was not toward the Soviet Union as in the official claim, but as revealed to me recently by a military intelligence officer actually destined for Alaska.The CIA and the Red Guards were partners in war crimes by then, involved in looting and sabotaging Chinese cargo trains loaded with war materiel destined for North Vietnam.
Hunter Biden's lobbying for Beijing on Capitol Hill, which was just a small part of the funding flow from Beijing to Langley, Virginia, as an IOU to the CIA.
The HIV Blood Factor
Jesuit-linked "charity" Americares flew pallets of Factor IV (Four) blood tainted with HIV into the Balkans war zone. The HIV-infected serum was collected at Arkansas state prisons while Bill Clinton was governor of that state and running cocaine shipments from war-torn Central America into Mena Airfield in western Arkansas.
The purpose of deliberate infection of warring communities was to find an ethnic group with inherent HIV resistance in the biologically diverse and physically isolated Balkans communities.The Obama appointee Jim Yong Kim as the World Bank chief resulted in absurdly low infection estimates with rigged data to hide the extent of this war crime of medical abuse in Balkans, of whichJoe Biden and his fellow Jesuit spooks were and are guilty to the brink of damnation.Faith is sometimes just a fig leaf to cover over evil.
The Bidens are brutal murderers whose toes properly should be stretched on the same gallows as that other Jesuit stooge Benito Mussolini. Tony Fauci, another Jesuit agent, is responsible for using NIH funds for the bioweapon engineering of COVID-19 in Wisconsin, Manitoba and Bristol, England,as tracked in my 27-part series. Mass murder is a capital offense, which the Supreme Court has managed to ignore.
Jesuit-Illuminati Linkages
Let me conclude with the connection of theJesuits and the Illuminati with Joe Biden's nomination and personal accompaniment of Mike Bloomberg to his knighting by the Queen of England into the royal order of the Knights of the British Empire (KBE),as discussed in my in-depth article on Bloomie, which apparently has been censored by the CIA, British intel and the Rothschilds.
Assuredly, it all goes deeper and wider, and religion and political correctness are being used as cover for mass murder on a global scale. The Marquis de Lafayette and Andrew Jackson were the saviors of this country,but in contrast the Bidens, Clintons, Obamas and Pelosi et al are damning a once-fine nation to the lower depths of hell.=So stand with what's right to break their evil spell.
To quote Andrew Jackson: "The Bible is the rock upon which this Republic rests." It's high time to reopen the church doors to break the demonic spell that grips this great land."
Joe Biden Jesuit, KBE, Papal knight…Jesuits hold theSTRINGSon Leadership. Mass murder and Control for world domination.