Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 3:53 a.m. No.12102792   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank You President Trump for being our Champion!

If only we could open the eyes of the blind who didn't watch your very many rallies!

We The People was going to be an excuse for them to steal.

but the fact is We The People are never a prop.

and they ignored us for 50 years and brought in their foreign indentured servants to take most and as many jobs as possible.


and Republicans who don't support the effort to Stop the Steal either haven't been paying attention or work for the opposition (RHINO).


History will not forgive them for it.

Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 3:58 a.m. No.12102809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2815


he does it because you are a willful provocator who loves to trigger pepole with your subliminal gang sign anime and repetitive boastful copypasta.

you disgust most adults perhaps?

Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 4:11 a.m. No.12102857   🗄️.is 🔗kun


people would live in cities except tht it was made into a zone for exploitation of young people and of foreigner indentured help.

Cities are profit centors of well connected landowner types but . . . the advent of welfare and 'finance' allowed for pepole to fill them up with so-called 'low income housing' which basically says 'we will help this person live by making this other person wealthy beyond imagining just for signing their name and getting 'financed' to build a building what isn't going to house him, and that he isn't going to own for very long.

they cash out and do it again, over and over over.

and sell the buildings off to third world scumbags from Iran and South Asian, or South Pukerain and the lizzard mountains.

they launder their money into urban realestate.

And they then burn it down periodically to get 'urban renewal' grants.

Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 4:18 a.m. No.12102889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2891


here is an example of what I mean.

quick to give the curse that comes back to you, you guarnatee your own sadness by being what that ohter anon called you.

I said copypasta for the content. you show the same notables over and over and over.

your anime, who gives a shit, it's crap because it used in a context where it is only to assert your imagine domination.

but infact you just drive people away.

you crave the affection and attention of having capable minds who banter and approve of you, but you act like a pide-piper who can't play the flute, so you're ineffective.

and then you get all bitchy when people call you the name that you draw out of them and act like they are bitches for trying to reform you and make you healthy again, so you aren't out to dominate, and might actually feel like you belong here instead of being one of the few people who can draw out that most banned of banned words (there are worse words too, but they describe the same region of a person).


so if you never post the anime crap you will not get the response.


you draw it to yourself and then complain.

it's people who would be friednly if you din't poke us in the eye everytime you're here.

Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 4:20 a.m. No.12102894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2898


speak in english and use words.

whatever the image is was long ago adblocked so . . .

you can say something or try to post your crap.

this is exactly why people call you a T W A T

Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 4:26 a.m. No.12102919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2920


some of us are masters of things but remain humble and don't rub people's faces in it.

so now you want to profile me?

when you have a master of language they know it so well that they often think in sound.

and then assholes say 'you can't spell'

the asshole gatekeepers (that would be people like you) will then haze and badger the superiour intellect because . . . the superior intellect is unfettered by the nervous tick of 'oh, I must back space, I misspelled superior to be 'superiour', but that's ok because it's a throw away post and you're trying to shove some sense into the fat-trolls ears so that he starts respecting people.


I'm speaking to a deaf person?

you're the Adam Kinzenger of anime: someone who ignores the obvious and doesn't pay attention to the tidal wave of truth about what is really going on, and then talks to others like he's Mr. Rodgers, asking them to 'get over it', etc.

"only non native English speakers"

Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 4:28 a.m. No.12102931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2934 >>2958


you are meaningless and all your images are long ago filtered should I give you a screen cap of your ineffectiveness?

I have no idea what your code means.

please stop the anime and stop being a jerk to everyone.

Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 4:34 a.m. No.12102954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2956


you asked why the other one called you a 'c u n t'

and know the world has evidence of why.

so it's a redpill that you should swollow that you behave that way.

here is another point: you didn't post anime in your last fake-notables,so you're making progress.


can you imagine us as equals who want to love you ?


if you could maybe you'd stop pushing our noses into your pink-cake creations.


someone who would care and respect you and put you to use for your obvious creative talent.


but no, you have to be the diva.

and so all the men have to march off and be elsewhere, because you repulse men.


and all you gotta do is just be respectful but you can't.

and then when someone is giving you an ediquette lession you say 'KYS'

Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 4:38 a.m. No.12102974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2986


I have no interest in the man other than him.

not his 'parts'.

you know not the love that moves the Sun and other stars.

you ought to try learning a bit.

peace out.

and post more tasteful images and less copy pasta and stop telling people to KYS: you curse yourself.

and since you're such a dutiful worker bee here, no one wants you to KYS.

hopefully you could learn to understand that blowback for being a bitch that others give you isn't because they hate you but they want you to do better. If they hated you they'd do something else.

and so now someone being concerned with your soul growth is a bad thing?

that's why the other one called you that.

anyway I have hope for you.

hope you stop posting anime!

Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 4:49 a.m. No.12103024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3027


pornime of the type that the baker-goon will devolve into is what people dislike.

in the case of that baker, he/she/it is a bully and a goon.

and will devolve into very bad stuff if it feels like it.

if you are here at all for any length you get a feel about who 'they' are.

this one bakes, and it role plays.

the anime always leads to pornime.


Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 4:56 a.m. No.12103047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3135 >>3221 >>3259


OK, cause I only remember one David.

your authenticty took a hit because . . .

well what Bible Scholor only has a New Testiment?

and if you were a Bible Scholar you'd probably have many concordances, and know who David is. If you don't know who David is, I can't really take you seriously as someone who understands both The History of the 12 tribes, and the 10 being sold off (traided away) so that the other two could stay 'all cush' in their hilltop haunts (they betrayed, the king at that time, all the other tribes of Israel and thought they'd get away with it).


any who, ya,

which David and you didn't know.

Anonymous ID: d25a7b Dec. 20, 2020, 5:03 a.m. No.12103070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

it's like they never ever ever played Sid Myers game at all . . .

come one world-ruling patho-mongers who are falling from their imagined heaven.

new tech obsoletes the old tech, and all the old chips turn worthless.