It was maybe twemty years ago I happened on a website that said the 1918 flu was actually the vizna sheep virus kludged together with some second microbe. I can't speak to that, but years later I watched a PBS documentary about the 1918 flu, and it was obvious to me the so-called accident related to American soldiers being vaccinated was intentional, and it wasn't just intended for "the enemy."
Then there's the documentary, "Ebola," that has what I consider damning evidence somewhere around the half-way mark.
Finally, I'll throw in here mention of Fauci being one of the signatories to a research paper, think it's 2008, saying it looks like the 1918 flu was actually caused by people infecting themselves with bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks. I consider that misdirection, maybe because people were looking closer at the event, and don't he constantly contradict his own ass. They've been coming at us a long time.