Anonymous ID: c13cbd Dec. 20, 2020, 6:42 a.m. No.12103673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3695

We now have a vaccine for a virus that only kills really sick people. (personal sauce from BFF of 19 years who is a nurse in a covid ICU) Facts..Why and how did we let the narrative get so out of control? Im still seeing people wear a mask alone in their car, afraid for no reason except the reason media, and even Trump gave them to be afraid. Why did Trump go along with this? Ive never understood this! It's all BS. If you dont understand that the CV was the deep state plan to defeat Trump, Freedom and Liberty Worldwide, then you are part of a continuing problem that seeks to rob us of essential Liberty. I swear I trust POTUS and Q team, but I'm confused. Are we taking out the "Invisible Enemy" or not? Tweet saying Martial Law was fake news has me @ ZERO info as to future events. WTF Anons? Any perspective would be greatly appreciated.