Anonymous ID: 7b88bb Dec. 20, 2020, 7:54 a.m. No.12104159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4248


>nobody is allowed to ask themselves or others why those who dehumanize their infant children through a satanic ritual of genital mutilation

In your opinion are Americans who basically do the same thing without the sucking part also Satanic?


Or do they simply comply to take part in a crazy ritual because they were made to think it's part of their culture and/or positive for the health of their child?


Similar to letting doctors vaccinate their child with poison?


Or similar to letting doctors put a 1.5 year dosage of Vitamin K into the bodies of newborns all at once?


Is that satanic as well and is everyone who partakes a Satanist?


Maybe the doctors are brainwashed and do it because of that. And the parents are brainwashed as well into thinking that someone wearing a white coat has tons of health knowledge and could never do wrong?

Anonymous ID: 7b88bb Dec. 20, 2020, 8:13 a.m. No.12104322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4468


>genital mutilation of infants is a satanic ritual aimed at dehumanizing the child, to make it 'programmable'.

It's evil, I agree.


>why non-jews do the same is because if it was found out, that genital mutilation of infants is aimed at dehumanizing the child

That doesn't answer what I asked.


If you say that every Jew who participates in it and is therefore a Satanist, every single American that does the same should be in the same bucket.


Yes, or no?


And what about so called abortions?

Killing of unborn children

That's literally child sacrifice.

Everyone who partakes in it is a Satanist?


Everyone who goes "well it's fine for the niggers", are these Satanists as well?


Every Christian is also a Satanist?

See Pope audience chamber?

Maybe most Christians do not KNOW about it and if they knew they would quit.


Do people simply comply because they were told it was part of culture/religion/whatever WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT IT?

Or do they do it full knowing what it all means?


I personally would differentiate between these that way, because otherwise most of the humans are Satanists.


>There is no other reason why the mutilation of children is still taking place

Religion brainwash.


What's other non-religious reasons for doing it?

Medical reasons?

So if you do it, because some white coat told you so it's not satanic and it's not bad for the health of the child?


Is the white coat a Satanist?

Are the parents who comply Satanists?

The health "care" system is probably evil, but that doesn't mean everyone who got indoctrinated in it is evil as well.

Most people are good and want to do good.

Anonymous ID: 7b88bb Dec. 20, 2020, 8:37 a.m. No.12104551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4658


>no, the non-jews that mutilate their infant children's genitals are likely not satanists, but the act is still satanic.

But all the Jews are?


Because of their mother's bloodline?

Also let's assume all Jews are programmed after genital mutilation, as you say.

Why the fuck would they be at fault for their actions when someone programmed them to be that way?

Shouldn't you look for the original programmer instead?


>Christians are not satanist, as Christians are human

Catholic Christians are paying the Catholic church, which is literally evil and the audience hall of the Pope literally looks like a snake. That was built using their money.


>The pope is a catholic

The Pope is an evil Satanic bastard, probably even a pedo.


>There are no medical reasons for genital mutilation, as there are alternative medical procedures if needed.

>Most doctors have no idea about human biology other than what they are told

Great that we agree on this.


So why the fuck would all Jews be evil Satanists?

Do you think every single Jew isn't acting LIKE ALL THE REST OF HUMANITY, under false information, under religion you name it.


When you find tons of excuses to make people innocent, people who do evil deeds, why would you do the opposite based on the bloodline of the mother. It's not even the actual bloodline, it's just half of the bloodline, which is completely ridiculous and arbitrary.


And I personally would say objectively killing an unborn child is much more severe than cutting away foreskin.


Also what about Africans who do the same shit to female children based on religion?

Those aren't all Satanists either, right?


When people know what they are doing and are still doing crap like that, then I can consider them evil. When that's not the case, they may simply be acting based on false information/indoctrination.

Anonymous ID: 7b88bb Dec. 20, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.12104724   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>those who go by 'jew' were rightfully called out as being of the synagogue of satan by Jesus.

No, those who go by "Jew" are following the stupid mother bloodline rule, which doesn't even make sense.


See for example Seth Rich.

He doesn't look like a Satanist to me.

He looks like an American patriot.


>It is because their ways are satanic, as in, non human

Based on the mother's bloodline?

Are you stupid?

Also wait a moment, why would you consider genital mutilation of Jews to be evil when you don't even consider them non-human?


Why would you care?

Or do you become non-human after genital mutilation and before that you are human?


>Catholic men are very likely the product of genital mutilation

No, that's simply by birth.

You will get into the Catholic religion based on who your parents are. You are not asked to be part of it. Similar to being a part of Jewish religion in a way.


>It is not the bloodline of the mother that makes a jew, it is the dehumanizing satanic rituals.

I could agree on that, still the problem with this is that people in general use another definition (based on mother's bloodline).


Why not simply call them Satanists, that's what they are, so that there are no misunderstandings.

I can fully agree on that then.


Same shit is done by quite a few Freemasons, which I also consider to be Satanists.