Anonymous ID: 5dc2b7 Dec. 20, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.12104993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5105 >>5462

Is anyone else considering the ramifications of the naming of Solar Winds, Orion, Redeye, Angel fire, SuperNova, Bright Star, Dominion? Think about it. That alone is biblical. Ate we looking in the right places? Are there bigger implications that we aren’t seeing (yet)?


Please reread post ##3889

Think about what Flynn said on Lou Dobbs- consider the words Portal, Vault. What produces SolarWinds? The Sun?

Consider the word Espionage

APT29 (Cozy Bear)

Solar Winds Orion Microsoft Windows Update

Dominion D-Suite runs on off the shelf Windows computers.

Think about the state govt that have been subjected to attacks

Infiltrating everything Under the SUN, including COVID


The group uses a variety of tools and techniques to predominantly target governmental, diplomatic, think-tank, healthcare and energy targets for intelligence gain.


Throughout 2020, APT29 has targeted various organisations involved in COVID-19 vaccine development in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, highly likely with the intention of stealing information and intellectual property relating to the development and testing of COVID-19 vaccines.


APT29 is using custom malware known as ‘WellMess’ and ‘WellMail’ to target a number of organisations globally. This includes those organisations involved with COVID-19 vaccine development. WellMess and WellMail have not previously been publicly associated to APT29.


Who did POTUS meet with on Friday afternoon? What is Scavino hinting about with his posts/pics? Anyone catch the Navy Tweet? D5 23CATI? Special place just for Soros? Photo from Scavino next to a stage? Setting the stage?


What is a portal? What really is the Solar Winds Program?


Start tracking satellites and possibilities for EMP attacks