Annotated transcript of DJT retweeted video "Summary of the plan in a minute"
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
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The summary of the plan in a minute..
· 5h
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Embedded video in >>12104877
1:14 70.7K views
transcript with my notes:
How to steal an election
Start with a virus [coronavirus]
Import it to America [China air travel]
Talk about it nonstop [MSM COVID-19 ALERT]
Call some governors
Not them [Noem, DeSantis…]
That's your guys [Whitmer, Brown, Newsom, Cuomo]
Put patients into nursing homes [Cuomo sent 6,300 COVID-19 patients to nursing homes]
Kill thousands
Blame the president [The New Yorker - Mar 9, 2020 cover of Trump]
Keep blaming [Times, Mother Jones: Plagued]
Lockdown small businesses
Kill the economy
Push mail-in voting [They Live]
Stoke a race war [Black Lives Matter - spike]
Call for riots [Portland burning]
Pick a candidate, no, not her [Tulsi Gabbard]
Yeah that's more like it [Joseph R. Biden]
Lock him in his basement [Joe Biden has called a lid]
Hide him from the press
Don't cover this ["predators" -Joe Biden]
Don't cover this ["stupid bastards" -Joe Biden]
Don't cover this ["quid pro quo"… "and son of a bitch"-Joe Biden]
Keep doing that [first shelter dog in the White House! -new at 5]
Ignore the economic recovery stonks]
Downplay the peace [no new wars]
Pump the the polls [Biden +2.4 +4.2 +4.3]
Don't stop pumping [Biden +5.6 +6.0 +6.3 +8.0]
Install your software in swing states [Dominion Voting System loading…]
That was fast
Take control of polling stations [this is what democracy looks like]
Call of the election when you are losing ["pipe burst" in Georgia pausing counting]
Kick everyone out [including R poll watchers]
Pull out the extra ballots [Ruby Freemon suitcase gate bank heist video]
Get the software to do its thing [Biden injections]
Get the media to say it is over [President-Elect Biden]
Call the big tech guy [Jack Dorsey - Twitter]
Ban anyone who notices [account suspended]
Pretend it never happened [victory party]
Stealing the most powerful republic in the world…
It's that easy!